Weeks 24 and 25 (and year 29…again)

Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 6:23 pm (Fun Times, Oh Baby!, Parker, She's baaack!)


24 Weeks

24 Weeks

25 Weeks

25 Weeks

I’m feeling like I’ve really grown in the past couple of weeks. Parker is constantly moving and now when I’m laying in bed sometimes I can actually WATCH him moving in my belly. It is an amazing (and rather funny) thing to see!

Texas was fabulous…as it always is but it was nice to come back home to cooler weather (even though it was pretty mild by Texas standards). I did a lot of driving and by the end of the trip I was just about ready to surrender my license! Speaking of which-I have to go get my Arkansas license ASAP so I can vote come November! That’s on my to-do list for tomorrow.

And, not only does today mark week 25 but it is also my 29th birthday! Well, I had a 29th last year so technically I guess that it isn’t correct to tell you that but…”it’s my birthday and I’ll LIE if I want to!” 😀 In all reality, it’s hard to believe I’m 30. Time just flies by the older you get, doesn’t it? I’m going to have to lay down the law with Baby Parker-he is NOT allowed to grow up!!! Good luck with that one, I know.

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23 Weeks and a Few Words

Saturday, September 13, 2008 at 8:35 pm (Get outta town!, Oh Baby!, Parker)


23 Weeks

23 Weeks

Okay, okay…I know I’ve been bad. I haven’t been writing but simply posting the pics. What can I say? It’s easier!!! Actually, the reason behind the lack of writing is just that I’ve been so tired! I am thoroughly enjoying being pregnant but it is just utterly exhausting for me. I’ve been waiting (and waiting and waiting) on my endocrinologist’s office in Dallas to send some lab sheets to check my growth hormone level. I have a feeling it’s low and that is probably what is contributing to the fatigue. Most women get a renewed sense of energy during the 2nd trimester but I haven’t at all. Parker may just be “using up” all of my growth hormone-we’ll find out if the office would ever send me the paperwork to get my blood drawn! I’ve only called them several hundred times about it. Ugh.

Actually on Monday I’m headed to Dallas anyway so I’ll probably just run by the place. I’m going to be in Allen for a couple of days catching up with friends and then I’m taking a trip with my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law. We’re going to Bay City (down by Houston) to visit some family and just spend some quality time together. It should be a blast! I’m excited to see everyone in Allen and Bay City but I’ll be missing James something fierce! 

So, there’s a very brief update. When I’m this tired I am really just uninspired to write anything. But…at least I did something, huh?!?

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22 Weeks

Friday, September 5, 2008 at 9:26 pm (Oh Baby!, Parker)


22 Weeks

22 Weeks

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